
What to Know About FDA Recalls of Prescription Drugs

Posted on Apr. 5 2023 in Dangerous Drug Information

Each year, there are thousands of new medications approved for public use. However, there are times when issues are discovered with medications that are currently on the market. Sometimes, the problems discovered with the medication can lead to a recall so that the medications are no longer available for purchase and consumption. Here, a Louisville medical malpractice lawyer discusses the FDA prescription drug recall process. The FDA’s Role in Recalls The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remains firmly in charge of medication approvals in the US. They state that the most effective way to protect individuals from harmful products is to initiate a drug recall. Recalls are voluntary actions
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What is Post-Traumatic Amnesia?

Posted on Apr. 1 2023 in Personal Injury Cases

Anytime an individual sustains a severe traumatic brain injury and experiences any level of coma, there is a good chance they will experience some sort of short-term memory problems. Along with feelings of disorientation, agitation, anger, and impulsiveness, individuals may experience a complete lack of disregard for social convention. All of this is part of the healing process after a significant traumatic brain injury, and it is commonly referred to as post-traumatic amnesia (PTA). What Causes Post-Traumatic Amnesia? Individuals typically sustain post-traumatic amnesia after they have already sustained a traumatic brain injury and been in a coma. When an individual sustains a brain injury and emerges from a coma, there
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Facts About Truck Accidents

Posted on Mar. 16 2023 in Personal Injury Cases

With the increase of what could be called “shipping culture,” we have seen that there are more and more commercial trucks and delivery vehicles on the roadway. Here, we want to discuss facts about commercial truck accidents. The reality is that, despite attempts to improve overall commercial trucking safety, these accidents continue to lead to significant injuries and property damage. How Much Do Commercial Trucks Weigh? As you know, commercial trucks weigh much more than traditional passenger cars. According to the Federal Highway Administration, a commercial truck fully loaded with cargo can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. As we examine the statistics in this article, keep in mind that the
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Can You Sue for Bad Plastic Surgery Results? What You Need to Know

Posted on Mar. 2 2023 in Medical Malpractice Cases

The information available from the Cleveland Clinic shows that cosmetic surgery is very common in the US. Data shows that providers conduct more than 15 million cosmetic procedures annually across this country. However, what happens if a person gets bad plastic surgery? These unfortunate incidents do occur, but do victims have recourse? Here, we want to examine whether or not you can file a lawsuit for bad plastic surgery as well as what you need to know about working with an attorney and the time frame to file these claims. The Medical Standard of Care for Plastic Surgery No matter what type of healthcare professional you work with, you need
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Kentucky Motorcycle Laws You Should Know

Posted on Feb. 8 2023 in Personal Injury Cases

If you are thinking about purchasing a motorcycle in the state of Kentucky, then you need to know the laws surrounding these vehicles before you do so. Failing to abide by the motorcycle laws set forth by the state legislature could result in significant penalties as well as create an unsafe riding environment. Age to Obtain a Motorcycle License In Kentucky, individuals must be at least 18 years of age or hold a valid operator license to apply for a motorcycle permit. If an applicant is under 18 years of age, they will need to have a parent or legal guardian willing to assume responsibility imposed through KRS 186.590  and design
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Dealing with Anxiety After an Accident

Posted on Feb. 1 2023 in Blog

The aftermath of any vehicle accident can be confusing and scary. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to experience anxiety for days, weeks, or even months after an accident occurs. Depending on the severity of the incident, the injuries sustained, and the recovery process, anxiety could prevent individuals from going about their daily lives. Here, our Louisville car accident lawyers want to discuss various methods of dealing with anxiety after an accident and the importance of seeking medical treatment in these situations. How Common is Anxiety After a Car Accident in Kentucky? Anxiety is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension,
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Right of Way Laws in Kentucky

Posted on Jan. 17 2023 in Blog,Car Accident Information

Whether you are operating a vehicle, a bicycle, or walking as a pedestrian, it is crucial to understand the right of way laws in Kentucky. Without properly understanding what to do in a right of way situation, accidents are bound to occur. Here, we want to discuss the right of way laws in Kentucky so you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Summary of Kentucky Right of Way Laws The right of way is basically a driver’s permission to proceed or a requirement to wait, depending on the situation. Understanding who has the right of way at various locations, including intersections, helps the flow of traffic and keeps
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What to Do if You See a Drunk Driver

Posted on Jan. 6 2023 in Blog

If you notice a driver on the roadway who seems to be impaired, it is imperative that you do what you can to keep yourself safe first. Here, we want to discuss the steps that you can take if you notice an impaired or suspected impaired driver on the roadway. Make Sure You Are Safe The priority after you see a suspected drunk driver is to make sure that you are safe. In these situations, the only thing you can fully control is your own actions. Defensive driving must be the priority. You should not stay very close to a suspected impaired driver. Unfortunately, drunk driving is a leading cause
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What to Know Before Your Free Personal Injury Consultation

Posted on Dec. 7 2022 in Personal Injury Cases

If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by the negligence of another individual, company, or entity, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, recovering this compensation can be challenging, and we strongly encourage you to reach out to a skilled personal injury lawyer in Kentucky for help. Going to an attorney can be stressful, even if it is just for a free consultation. Here, we want to discuss what you can expect during your free personal injury consultation. When You First Visit the Office Most people do not go to an attorney’s office very often, so this can actually be intimidating.
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Moped Laws in Kentucky

Posted on Nov. 11 2022 in Blog

Mopeds offer many individuals an affordable way to get around. However, it is imperative for individuals in Kentucky to understand the laws that apply to operating a moped. Here, we want to discuss the most pertinent moped laws that you need to be aware of in order to remain legal and safe on the roadway. What is a Moped Under Kentucky Law? In Kentucky, mopeds ae narrowly defined by KRS 189.285.  Under Kentucky Law, a vehicle is considered a moped if all four of the following are true: 1. It is a motorized bike with a frame that can include one or more crossbars that support the fuel tank and
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