
Should I Post Details About a Personal Injury to Social Media Platforms?

Posted on Jun. 28 2021 in Personal Injury Cases

Anytime something major happens in our lives, the vast majority of us now reach to social media to talk about it. Try as we might to resist the pull of being connected through various types of apps, the reality is that most of us are connected and, dare we say, addicted to various aspects of the social media realm. Be it Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, or another type of social media platform, clicking those little icons is like second nature for so many people. However, if you have been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of someone else, clicking on social media apps may be the last
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Injuries & Fireworks – How to Stay Safe This Summer

Posted on Jun. 28 2021 in Personal Injury Cases

Summertime means warmer weather and more outdoor activities. This also means holidays where individuals purchase and use fireworks to celebrate with friends and family. However, fireworks are essentially little explosive devices that can lead to severe injuries if mishandled. Every year, thousands of people sustain injuries due to the misuse of fireworks or faulty fireworks. Here, we want to give some top firework safety tips that could help you stay safe as you go through the major summer holidays. Additionally, we want to discuss some of the main personal injuries that individuals sustain as a result of firework usage. Good Fireworks Safety Tips to Keep in Mind Each Summer Always
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Damages & Personal Injury Limits Against Government Entities in Kentucky

Posted on Jun. 7 2021 in Personal Injury Cases

Injuries happen all the time to residents and visitors in the state of Kentucky. In most situations where a person is harmed due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual or business, the victim is able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party in order to recover the compensation they need. However, if a person is injured due to the actions of a governmental entity or government employee, the process of securing compensation is much different. Here, we want to discuss the types of compensation recoverable as well as the limits on recoverable compensation in personal injury claims against government entities in Kentucky. Can a
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