Louisville Premises Liability Lawyer

If you suffer an injury while on private property or while patronizing a business, the cause may be due to the owner’s failure to properly care for their property. Whether you slipped on a wet floor, fell on an improperly maintained sidewalk, or suffered some other injury, you will need to pay medical bills and may even miss work as the result of your injuries. If you or a loved one experienced injury while on someone else’s Kentucky property, contact the Louisville premises liability attorneys at Meinhart & Manning, PLLC to discuss your case and your potential compensation.

Louisville Premises Liability attorney team

Why Choose Meinhart & Manning, PLLC?

  • Our Louisville premises liability attorneys specialize in Louisville area personal injury and premises liability claims and have won numerous settlements for clients injured at no fault of their own.
  • You can trust that when you call our firm, an attorney will answer – not a secretary, assistant or paralegal. We promise this type of personalized service from the beginning to end of every case.
  • Meinhart & Manning, PLLC charges no fees until we win your case, ensuring you a fair settlement.

Why You Should Hire a Louisville Premises Liability Lawyer

Some premises liability cases list multiple defendants. For instance, sometimes the owner of a building may rent that building to a tenant, who ultimately failed to provide maintenance to prevent your accident. Or, a maintenance company may prove liable for your injuries. Depending on the case, numerous insurance companies may hold interest, and each will be pushing for a quick, low settlement.

Our Louisville premises liability lawyers know the ins and outs of often-complicated premises liability laws and can help you navigate the various insurance companies and their lawyers. Remaining on equal footing with the insurance companies can help ensure you a fair settlement. Meanwhile, you can recover from your injuries while your Louisville injury attorney focuses on your case.

Common Causes of Premises Liability Accidents in Louisville

Some of the most frequently experienced types of premises liability injuries are slips and fall accidents. Usually, the property owner has failed in some way to maintain the property, resulting in common causes for slips and falls.

  • Uneven footpaths and sidewalks. Uneven walkways can cause you to trip and fall, while holes often cause ankle injuries due to severe twisting movements.
  • Slippery footpaths and parking lots. When owners fail to clear their property of snow and ice, visitors often slip and fall.
  • Slippery floors. If people track snow and ice inside, or if water spills, interior floors can become slippery and lead to falls.
  • Uneven or unsafe staircases. Staircases with uneven or missing treads can cause falls, while missing railings contribute to falls.
  • Debris on walkways. If debris clutters walkways or footpaths, visitors can trip and fall.

A Louisville slip and fall attorney can investigate the accident and help you determine what caused it. In the event that a property owner’s negligence led directly to your accident and caused you injury, you may have sufficient evidence for a personal injury lawsuit due to premises liability. Your attorney can help you name the defendant, file the proper paperwork, and prove the property owner’s negligence.

Who is Liable for Your Damages in a Louisville Premises Liability Case?

In the state of Kentucky, property owners are responsible for maintaining their property to avoid injury to guests. Your attorney will help you get the evidence you need to prove liability.

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care to ensure you did not suffer injury on their property.
  • The property owner failed to meet their duty of care.
  • You received an injury on the property.
  • The property owner’s negligence caused your injuries.

Contact Our Kentucky Law Firm Today

If you or a family member suffered injuries on someone else’s property due to their negligence in properly maintaining the premises, you may receive compensation for your damages. We believe in hard work and diligence, to ensure our clients receive a fair outcome that provides compensation for injuries sustained through no fault of their own. Call us to request a free, no-obligation consultation at your earliest convenience.