Facts About Truck Accidents

With the increase of what could be called “shipping culture,” we have seen that there are more and more commercial trucks and delivery vehicles on the roadway. Here, we want to discuss facts about commercial truck accidents. The reality is that, despite attempts to improve overall commercial trucking safety, these accidents continue to lead to significant injuries and property damage.

How Much Do Commercial Trucks Weigh?

As you know, commercial trucks weigh much more than traditional passenger cars. According to the Federal Highway Administration, a commercial truck fully loaded with cargo can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. As we examine the statistics in this article, keep in mind that the sheer size and weight of these vehicles contribute to the vast majority of injuries and fatalities that occur in accidents.

Large Truck Crash Facts

Data presented by the National Safety Council indicates that there were 4,842 total large commercial trucks involved in fatal collisions in the United States during 2020, the latest reporting year of information available. A total of 4,965 individuals lost their lives in these incidents. For the purposes of the NSC data, large trucks are defined as any medium or heavy trucks with a gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds. Their data goes on to show that large trucks accounted for 9% of all fatal vehicle collisions across the country that year but represented only 4% of all registered vehicles.

The NSC also states that there were 107,000 total large commercial trucks involved in injury collisions during the same year. A total of 147,000 individuals sustained injuries in these incidents. These incidents often lead to significant injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractured bones, amputations, crush injuries, and more.

For the time span from 2008 to 2020, we can compare who is more likely to sustain injuries or lose their life in an accident involving a commercial truck. Overwhelmingly, occupants of the smaller vehicles involved in the collision become the injury victims or are the ones who lose their lives.

When and Where Truck Crashes Occur

Examining the data a little more closely, we can see that fatal truck collisions are more likely to occur in rural areas (54.65%) than in urban areas. The vast majority of fatal truck collisions occur on non-interstate roadways (73.29%) and during the day (63.45%). Overall, more truck crashes tend to occur in the summer and early fall months.

Recovering Compensation After a Crash

If you or somebody you care about sustains an injury or property damage in an accident caused by the actions of a commercial truck driver or trucking company, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. These claims can become complex, and we strongly encourage individuals to reach out to a skilled truck accident lawyer in Kentucky for help. An attorney can investigate every aspect of the truck crash and help stand up to aggressive insurance carriers and at-fault parties on your behalf.

These trucking companies and drivers have well-funded insurance carriers who will push back from having to pay fair compensation. Your attorney can handle the communication and negotiation process with these insurance carriers. Contact our team today.