
Is Another Person’s Negligence Negated If I’ve Been Drinking Alcohol?

Posted on Oct. 18 2013 in Personal Injury Cases

This is an interesting question we sometimes receive from injured parties. To clarify: if an individual is drunk or has been drinking alcohol and then is injured due to another person’s negligence, is the negligent party still at fault? From our experience, we know that the legal definition of negligence may be confusing to some people. To clarify matters, negligence is any form of conduct that does not live up to the accepted standards of behavior established by law to protect others against unreasonable risk or harm. The Meaning of Negligence A person can be described as negligent if he or she has deviated from reasonable conduct that is expected
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What is My Kentucky Injury Claim Worth?

Posted on Oct. 16 2013 in Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases are each unique and there is no easy answer as to how much an individual case is worth. Each case must be evaluated on its own merits and a number of factors go into determining how much you may be able to collect. This is why it is essential to hire a Louisville injury lawyer to help you navigate the legal process. In addition, Kentucky is a comparative negligence state meaning your final claim may be reduced by any portion you are deemed to be responsible for your injuries. Some of the factors that go into determining the ultimate value of your Louisville personal injury claim include:
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Child Birth Complications Due to Dangerous Drugs

Posted on Oct. 15 2013 in Dangerous Drug Information,Medical Malpractice Cases

When you are pregnant everything changes because of the development of your fetus. There may be many possible side-effects both direct and indirect from taking drugs. Some drugs like codeine can be converted into more harmful drugs such as morphine. In other cases, tragic overdoses of drugs may be given by accident. Freak pharmaceutical accidents may also take place and even when righted immediately, they may leave a legacy of chaos. Drugs and Pharmaceuticals May Endanger your Unborn Child Because of the fetal developmental cycle, many drugs can place a fetus at risk. Sodium valproate can result in nervous system defects, Lithium may cause fetal abnormalities, Ace inhibitors can cause
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Medical Malpractice Suit After Unnecessary Procedure

Posted on Sep. 25 2013 in Case Results & Settlements

A patient alleged medical malpractice as a physician performed an endometrial ablation when a D & C (Dilation and Curettage) was the agreed upon procedure for the patients irregular menstrual bleeding. The ablation, which is a much more serious procedure, took away the patient’s ability to have future pregnancies. The physician has to pay the patient $350,000.00   If you believe you have a medical malpractice claim in Kentucky, reach out to our Louisville medical malpractice attorneys.

Negligent Day Care Causes Child’s Death

Posted on Sep. 25 2013 in Case Results & Settlements

In a tragic case involving a loss of life of a two year old, a daycare negligently fed a whole grape to a child. She choked on the grape and due to the failure to properly manage the emergency, she ended up in the hospital with a brain injury. She passed away some three weeks later. Daycare has has been ordered to pay $650,000.00 due to their involvement in the child’s death.

Administration of Pitocin Leads to Birth Injury

Posted on Sep. 25 2013 in Case Results & Settlements

In this birth injury case, a baby suffered significant brain injuries as a result of a physician failing to appreciate the urgent necessity of a c-section. Failing to monitor the baby’s heart rate, oxygen levels, and the administering of Pitocin led to the child’s injuries. The $6,000,000.00 settlement will help with the daily care necessary for the child.

Cerebral Palsy Birth Injuries

Posted on Sep. 4 2013 in Medical Malpractice Cases,Personal Injury Cases

One of the most devastating diagnoses a parent can receive is that of cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, initial symptoms can vary greatly and in some cases, they may be similar to other diseases. Common symptoms include: Stiff muscles – muscles appear rigid and may even be slightly spastic Coordination – children may display signs of ataxia or lack of coordination Slow development – some children display late development such as crawling, sitting or pushing themselves upwards Any time you, as a parent, see any of these signs, it is imperative you speak with your pediatrician. They can order specific tests including MRIs, CT scans and ultrasounds to help determine the problem.
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Lack of Oxygen in Newborns During Birth

Posted on Sep. 3 2013 in Personal Injury Cases

Two simple words, oxygen deprivation can and should strike fear into new parents. Oxygen deprivation during childbirth is can be caused by a number of factors and if not identified quickly, can lead to a whole host of problems including mobility issues, autism and cerebral palsy among other problems. What many parents wonder is what causes oxygen deprivation during birth. The answers are complicated and frightening and unfortunately in some cases, can occur without anyone realizing there is a problem. If you encounter any issues during the birth of your child, contact our Louisville birth injury attorneys immediately. Asphyxia (or lack of oxygen) causes a whole host of issues and
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How to treat a dog bite

Posted on Jul. 16 2013 in Personal Injury Cases

What you need to do in the event of a dog bite Dog bites are devastating and if not properly cared for can result in life-long physical scars. When a child or an adult is bitten by a dog not only will they have physical damage but in many cases, they may suffer from long-term psychological problems that may require professional help. However, there are some things you need to do immediately following a dog bite to stem bleeding and potentially minimize potential scarring. Clean the wound immediately – any wounds from a dog bite should be cleaned immediately with warm water and a clean facecloth or other soft cloth.
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When Your Cancer Diagnosis is Delayed Because Your Doctor Didn’t Listen

Posted on Jul. 8 2013 in Medical Malpractice Cases

Taking care of our health is a partnership between ourselves and our doctors. It’s our job to pay attention to our bodies and inform the doctor if anything seems out of order, and also reveal what we know about our habits or family history that may increase our risk of certain conditions, including cancers. It’s the doctor’s job to look into those concerns as necessary based on his or her medical knowledge as well as communication with the patient. When that communication doesn’t happen the results can be both painful and expensive for the patient, and possibly deadly. With cancer especially early diagnosis can make a big difference when it
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