What Recourse is Available for a Soft Tissue Injury in Kentucky?

Soft tissue injuries can lead to significant setbacks. This can include immense pain and suffering as well as major medical bills. Here, we want to discuss the steps you can take to recover compensation if your soft tissue injury was caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual, entity, or company in Kentucky. You may be able to recover compensation for your losses through a settlement with insurance carriers or through a civil personal injury lawsuit.

How Do Soft Tissue Injuries Occur?

Soft tissue injuries occur when our body’s muscles, ligaments, or tendons experience trauma. Soft tissue injuries can include sprains, strains, contusions, tendonitis, bursitis, and more.

These types of injuries can occur in a wide variety of ways, often due to the careless or negligent actions of others. Some of the main ways that our clients throughout Kentucky sustain soft tissue injuries include:

File an Insurance Claim

In the event a soft tissue injury does occur as a result of the careless or negligent actions of others, the injury victim should be able to recover compensation for their losses. The first route towards securing this compensation is often filing a claim with the insurance carrier of the at-fault party.

However, insurance carriers typically play hardball when it comes to paying out compensation for these claims. They will want to investigate the incident to ensure that their policyholder was indeed responsible. It is not uncommon for insurance carriers to delay or even deny these claims altogether. However, it is possible to recover compensation from insurance carriers for soft tissue injuries. When you work with a skilled personal injury lawyer in Kentucky who has experience handling these claims, you’ll have an advocate by your side who can file a claim on your behalf and handle all negotiations with the insurance carrier.

File a Civil Suit

In the event the insurance carrier refuses to offer a fair settlement, or if they deny the claim altogether, it may be necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit in civil court against the at-fault party. In the state of Kentucky, personal injury claims must be filed within one year after the day the injury occurs. Failing to file a lawsuit against the alleged negligent party within this one-year time frame will likely result in the injury victim becoming unable to recover the compensation they are entitled to.

Filing a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for a soft tissue injury will likely draw out the time it takes to recover compensation. However, this may be the only route towards securing a fair amount for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses are rising as a result of the injury. The personal injury lawsuit route will also be more complicated than securing compensation through an insurance settlement. It is incredibly important to work with a skilled personal injury lawyer in Kentucky who has extensive experience handling these claims. An attorney will handle every aspect of the claim on your behalf, including the initial investigation, gathering evidence to prove liability, and handling all communication with other parties involved.