The Dangerous Areas for Pedestrians in Louisville in 2013

While fewer pedestrians were injured or killed by cars in 2013 than in 2012, much work remains to be done to make Louisville safer for all residents. In 2013, there were 346 pedestrian accidents in the city of Louisville, with 334 of these resulting in injuries and 16 in fatalities. In addition, 48 of those collisions involved property damage. Unfortunately, in many of these cases drivers are, simply, not paying attention and cause serious injury to innocent pedestrians.

In 2012, there were 351 pedestrian accidents in the city, with 305 of these resulting in injuries, but only 6 resulted in fatalities. While the overall number of pedestrian accidents from 2012 to 2013 only decreased by 5 accidents, the number of fatalities decreased significantly.

The most dangerous parts of the city for pedestrians in 2013 were W. Broadway, Bardstown RD, Dixie Highway, and many areas downtown.